
Sun Bum: Shining out from the competition

A cause for content

Sun Bum develops a range of high-quality sun care products that are friendly to people, animals, and the planet. As a growing personal care brand in a competitive space, they looked to us to help identify new content opportunities to keep them distinct and relevant among the masses.

Services Provided

The challenge

While Sun Bum had a lot of great information to share about their products, ingredients, and certifications, they needed clearer insight into how their content stacked up against competitors—and where the white space was to lead the conversation. 

Our Approach

Pulling data from Sun Bum and their top competitors, we performed a Content Gap Analysis (CGA) to identify the keyword ranking opportunities based on topical, popular searches. We were then able to provide actionable recommendations on where we could create new content, as well as update existing content for improved visibility.

The Solution

To kick off the CGA, we had to first collect the data sets for Sun Bum and three of their competitors. This process involved: 
  1. Downloading keyword rankings from the BrightEdge platform. 
  1. Removing all brand terms, as well as terms not relevant to Sun Bum. 
  1. Evaluating Sun Bum and competitor data side-by-side for each keyword. 
With our data gathered, we compiled it all into charts to help us visualize the competitive landscape for a given group of keywords, comparing total keywords ranked (X-axis), total estimated traffic (Y-axis), and the number of page-1 keywords represented (size of the bubble). From there, we were able to identify the opportunities for new content creation, and current areas to defend for non-brand keywords. 

The Results

The CGA uncovered a key opportunity for Sun Bum to better tout its product certifications, such as being vegan, cruelty-free, reef-safe, etc. With this information, Red Door started targeting “cruelty-free” terms within page titles, and Sun Bum promoted their certifications more on their social channels. By improving our rankings for these keywords, we acquired an organic backlink from Bustle about vegan and cruelty-free sunscreen, which in turn resulted in a 211% increase in overall keyword rankings and 67% increase in page-1 keyword rankings. 

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