
Bosch: Staying ahead of the market


When we first started working with Bosch in 2012, we saw an immediate opportunity to increase their brand awareness by expanding their online presence and traffic. So we got to work right away, strategizing a plan to build an optimized customer experience.

Dominating the marketplace

A main initiative of ours was to support Bosch in their search engine optimization efforts, as their previous tactics hadn’t gained the traction they were hoping for. After our initial SEO campaign showed positive results, we continued to partner with the brand on improving their search rankings, everywhere from exhaustive SEO website audits, to the creation and development of new product microsites. 

Search engine optimization

As a trusted partner, we continually recommend optimizations and adjustments to the Bosch website in order to improve engagement. Part of this effort includes performing monthly SEO reports to show keyword rankings, best performing keywords, keywords that may not be performing well, and other metrics that will make Bosch stand out from the crowd.


Because we understand the value of analytics, we have a monthly analytics retainer with Bosch to review their site’s overall well-being. We assess Bosch’s total site visits, organic site visits, and engagement to determine if and how our analytics goals are being realized.

Bosch Program Image

Virtual Kitchen Experience Microsite

Bosch had a series of new product launches and needed support from RDI to create a virtual showroom experience so customers could learn about their state-of-the-art products from anywhere in the world. The Brand team sought out to create a Virtual Experience Microsite (VEX platform) in which users could interact with their products in real-time. With the help of TC studios, we were able to create a best-in-class virtual experience that we are continuing to advance.

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Communicating the brand promise

We optimized a cross-channel retail campaign that Bosch was launching, utilizing Facebook and paid search, as well as banner ad and email creative. Based on the success of our efforts, we continued to lead Bosch’s media through the following year and beyond, involving search, retargeting, programmatic display, direct display, video, in-text, and rich media—and all across a multi-channel program. 

Media campaigns

Our diversified and highly targeted media approach leveraged direct response and engagement tactics, aimed to reach both the consumer and trade audiences. Our programs resulted in increased awareness and engagement with Bosch’s products, and ultimately helped generate sales.

Elevating the consumer experience

Increasing search traffic and website visits was only part of our overall goal—we also needed to educate and retain users. To elevate the consumer experience, we initiated a variety of user tests, helping us to better understand customer behavior, and enabling us to optimize the site accordingly.. 

CRO testing program

We created tests on a variety of platforms to not only enhance the customer journey onsite, but also increase engagement and conversions. For example, our lightbox tests, based on quantitative and qualitative analysis from the site, resulted in an over 50K increase in dealer searches, year over year.

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Connected Appliances Desktop UX Analysis

RDI had to rethink the user’s experience as Bosch launched their Connected appliances on their website. We knew that users were interested in purchasing Home Connected appliances, but there was a wide-spread lack of knowledge about these products. Through a UX analysis, we made recommendations about how Bosch could drive users to Home Connect and educate their clients about their cutting-edge technology.

Post-Purchase & Owner Support Deep Dive

Making the sale is half the battle. After this, Bosch needed to ensure customer loyalty. We identified this potential for growth through a post-purchase desktop UX analysis. Through our tests we identified ways that Bosch could improve their server navigation, add more details, and increase on-site dealer searches to ultimately retain their existing customer base.

Looking Ahead

With one best-in-class product line after the other, Bosch has remained dominant in the market, and we’ve been there every step of the way to promote that message to their audience. From SEO to CRO, we’ve not only successfully optimized the online experience, but helped lead customers down the funnel to convert, keeping Bosch at the top of their category.

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